FAQ: I have a disc of scans from an outside hospital/facility. Can you anonymize it for me?

Generally, yes. If you have a copy of a scan from another hospital or an outside facility and you need it de-identified, the HIRO can evaluate the scan images for you and determine what will be necessary to create a new, de-identified copy. We are usually able to create de-identified copies of outside scans with a moderate amount of effort. The de-identification of outside scans falls under our Image De-identification and Distribution service, and all related fees will apply. De-identification may take longer for outside scans as we will need to perform a review of all the information embedded in the image files to determine what needs to be removed or modified.

We are occasionally unable to create de-identified copies of outside scans. This is usually because the copy provided is not in the industry-standard DICOM format. Additionally, most clinical trial sponsors and imaging core labs require that scans be submitted using a specific type of DICOM format. If possible, please ask for discs in "uncompressed DICOM format" when requesting copies of scans from an outside facility that will need to be de-identified.

PLEASE NOTE: the HIRO is not able to load scans into EPIC/PACS. If you need an outside scan imported into a patient's hospital medical record so it can be accessed and reviewed via EPIC like other scans, you will need to bring the disc to the Radiology Film Room (extension 2-1788) so they can import it. The HIRO is able to retrieve copies of outside scans that have been imported into EPIC/PACS in this manner, so if the scan has already been imported and stored with the patient's EPIC chart you do not need to bring the original disc to the HIRO.

If you have a scan from an outside facility and you would like it de-identified, please contact the HIRO directly at hirohelp [at] bsd.uchicago.edu. We will have you submit an Image Data Request via our web system at our direction, and we will let you know where you can drop off the discs/data in question. Please indicate in the comments of your request that the scan(s) in question are from an outside facility and you will be dropping off copies on disc directly to our office.

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