
Detailed descriptions of the different services offered by the HIRO can be found below as well as the HIRO's current fee schedule. The HIRO requires that these services be rendered against a valid, currently active IRB protocol; the only exception is services provided in furtherance of clinical practice (for example, image de-identification & distribution for the creation of a teaching file, expert witness testimony, hospital accreditation, etc). If you have any questions concerning these services, please contact the HIRO (hirohelp [at]

These services are currently only available to the University of Chicago and the UCM/BSD research community.

Research Imaging Services

The HIRO currently offers services in four major categories. Click on a category to learn additional details about our available services.

Current Fee Schedule

The HIRO charges nominal fees for most of its services on a per-service basis to recover our operational costs. To view our current fee schedule, please click the link below.