Step 4: Register your IRB-Approved Protocol with HIRO

Principal Investigators (PIs) can register their Institutional Review Board (IRB)-approved research protocols with the HIRO so that staff who are listed on their IRB protocols may make HIRO image requests and/or access the Electronic Research Data Broker systems.

PIs should provide the HIRO (and/or Enterprise Research Data Broker) access for their IRB-approved protocol only to persons and users who are appropriately listed on their protocol, and they should assign only access to services which are allowed by their IRB-approved protocol.

Registering an IRB protocol with the HIRO requires only a few steps: entering basic IRB protocol information and adding users (and assigning roles/capabilities to each). PIs that are unable to complete the registration process themselves can designate members of their research team as "HIRO Technical Liaisons." These technical liaisons (or HTLs) can register and administer research protocols on behalf of their PIs.

Step A: Entering Basic IRB Protocol Information

To start registering an IRB protocol with the HIRO, log in to the HIRO website and click on the "Register IRB Protocol" button on the left side of the website. You will be asked a few basic questions about your research protocol. These questions include:

  • IRB Number: This is the (usually 4- or 5-digits, possibly followed by a letter) IRB protocol number that was assigned to your study by the Institutional Review Board.
  • Description: This should be the title of your IRB protocol, as listed on your IRB form. If the title of your IRB is extremely long, you may use an abbreviated but descriptive title.
  • Funding Source: The source of funding for your IRB protocol. This will help the HIRO classify your type of protocol and will determine which fee schedule will be used when charging for HIRO services.
  • Data Sent Outside the University: If the data that will be provided by the HIRO for this protocol will be transmitted outside of the University, please let us know via this question.
  • Grant Number: If your research study is federally funded, you can provide a grant number here. Providing a grant number is optional, but it is extremely useful for tracking purposes and usage statistics.

After you have finished entering this information, you will be able to "submit" your research study and go to the next step.

To view a detailed tutorial of the IRB protocol registration process, please click here.

Step B: Adding Users, and Assigning Roles/Capabilities

After you click the "Register this IRB Protocol" button, the personnel wizard will start and you will be given the opportunity to add personnel to the protocol and grant them access to services. The following services are available:

  • Healthcare Image Data Request access: User should be able to submit image data requests for this IRB protocol to the HIRO. Also known as "full service" access.
  • iBroker access: User should have iBroker access for this IRB protocol.
  • Electronic Honest Broker access - with full PHI and SSNs: User should have access to Electronic Honest Broker for this protocol, and should be able to look at protected health information (PHI) including social security numbers.
  • Electronic Honest Broker access - with PHI: User should have access to Electronic Honest Broker for this protocol, and should be able to look at protected health information (PHI), but generally not see social security numbers.
  • Electronic Honest Broker access - withhold all PHI: User should have access to Electronic Honest Broker for this protocol, but should only have access to "assigned IDs" (anonymous IDs) and not have access to any protected health information.

To view a detailed tutorial that demonstrates how to add personnel to a protocol and assign access to services, please click here.
Please note: The HIRO does not verify that you (or anyone else) are listed on your research protocol's corresponding IRB personnel roster. Adding yourself (or other members of your team) to the protocol’s IRB roster is the PI's responsibility; the HIRO cannot do this for you. It is assumed that users who have been granted HIRO access to the protocol by the PI (or their designee) are authorized to conduct research under the protocol.

Next: Step 5 - Using the Broker Systems and HIRO